Daily Archives: March 31, 2011

Nur Farisha @ 1…!

my lil pwincess’s all grown up…!! from being a tiny lil’ baby she’s an active toddler now. yup. she just can’t sit still…thanks to her master sifu — abang rifdi. :)…this was how she looked on the very 1st day she came into my life….

hehehe…nani said she looked like “anak benggali”….and this was her..enjoying her bath session at 5 days old !!

“hey, watcha lookin’ at..?”

and..yes..she grew up..gracefully (at 1st) and now she’s becoming more and more cheeky !!

aicah @ 6 months..just like a pumpkin, isn’t she..? :D..and yes…she does lots of stuff…from being stuck under the sofa…

…helping mama ‘tidy’ the kitchen…

…and even getting stuck in between the cabinets !!

oh my little darling…as i watch you grow up..

Do you know how much you mean to me?
As you grow into what you will be.
You came from within, from just beneath my heart
it’s there you’ll always be though your own life will now start.
You’re growing so fast it sends me awhirl,
With misty eyes I ask, Where’s my little girl?
I know sometimes to you I seem harsh and so unfair,
But one day you will see, I taught you well because I care.
The next few years will so quickly fly,
With laughter and joy, mixed with a few tears to cry.
As you begin your growth to womanhood, this fact you must know,
You’ll always be my source of pride, no matter where you go.
You must stand up tall and proud, within you feel no fear,
For all you dreams and goals, sit before you very near.

With Allah’s love in your heart and the world by its tail,
You’ll always be my winner, and victory will prevail.
For you this poem was written, with help from above,
To tell you in a rhythm of your Mama’s heartfelt Love!
HAPPY 1st BURFDAY, NUR FARISHA…semoga aicah membesar menjadi anak yang solehah, anak yang mendengar kata, anak yang sentiasa diredhai Allah, jadilah seorang muslimah sejati, srikandi Islam yang elok budi pekerti…my love, my blessings for you, always… 🙂
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Posted by on March 31, 2011 in MARCH 2011


Saw. Seen. Touched. Scared.

tadi aku g GH penang…melawat bapa office mate yg diserang stroke while driving…hurm..alhamdulillah, pakcik is almost recovering…tadi nampak pakcik dah sedar…cuma some part of pakcik’s body masih numb lagi..x leh move…

hurm…i just can’t bear to even think of the fact that this could also happen to my own bapa. (mintak simpang ya ALLAH !!!)…i guess i can never even bear the sight to see my dad sick. whenever bapa’s sick, be it even a slight fever or even flu, i’d just be worried like hell…i cannot concentrate on anything else but him…yeah..i am his only pwincess, and he is my only king ! my dad is my everything, and i NEED HIM.

before i got married, when i was still single, i use to pray that GOD take my life 1st before my parents…i can never imagine living a life without any one of them !! nope. i JUST CANNOT !! and now that i’ve got kids of my own, i always pray that GOD would give a long life, long enough to at least see my kids grow up, and being able to take care of themselves…but WITH my parents by my side !! i have no other options…coz i only have them in my life…just the thought of loosing either of them…………….STOP IT FARAH !! enuff…. full stop.

i seriously hope pakcik would recover asap…i just can bear looking at my colleague’s worried and troubled face…

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Posted by on March 31, 2011 in MARCH 2011